Дата рождения: 12.12.1988

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01 Dec 2015

People need to realize the real situation here. The assholes in charge of Turkey are supporting some assholes in Syria. The assholes in charge of Russia are supporting different assholes in Syria.
The western world can't find anyone to support in Syria who isn't an asshole, except possibly the Kurds. Except that the US doesn't want to support the Kurds too much because it would piss off the assholes in charge of Turkey. Even though the Turks are assholes, they used to not be assholes and the US kind of wants them to not be assholes again. So the US doesn't want to be assholes to Turkey, even though it means kind of being assholes to the Kurds.
So when some other assholes in Syria (who everyone agrees are assholes) attacked the French, the Russians decided to use it as an excuse to bomb some of the assholes in Syria that they don't like, and they figured no one would really pay much attention to whether or not the assholes they bombed were actually the assholes who attacked the French. And the western governments pretty much decided to just not make a fuss about specifically which assholes the Russians bombed, since they are all assholes.
Except that the Turks were pissed that the Russians were bombing their assholes. So they decided to be assholes and kill the assholes who were killing their assholes.
Meanwhile, the Syrian people are stuck in the middle. Surrounded by assholes on all sides, with pretty much no hope of anyone who isn't an asshole coming to help them.
via https://www.reddit.com/r/wo...m_on_downing/cxczh2e

Рекомендовано: torgash
01 Dec 2015

А вестерн ворлд все в белом, красавцы :)

01 Dec 2015

Осталось только выяснить, почему т.н. "Syrian people" - не assholes.

01 Dec 2015

потому что они ни в кого не стреляют, наверное

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